Thursday, May 04, 2006


I sleep w/ a polar bear each night named Polie
I'd love to say we make our own pantsicle fun
also known as "barfing up poop"

basically I drank too much last night and I've always wanted a panda bear
and a cow

the cat is barfing in my shoe because
pants are for girls

your monkey has infested this place and
disguises himself as an Italian and kills people

jungle folks are up in the morning and at all
hours of the night and day
and upchucking when they are pinging and so
I doubt anyone would want to see that

trimethylxanthine is the compound
of super barfing? or eating chocolate meat

and so what if the occasional really cute talking polar bear
mentioned getting oboe as a result when it was
at the top of the list of sounds

it's a barfing buffalo and well, it likes to barf I think

barfing really screws me up

this is a great clip of a kid barfing on TV

I don't know when Laura's having her tonsils out or where

chemotherapy smells like a polar bear


Anonymous said...

رئيسية الموقع :
مصر اليوم
اهلا بكم , اضع لكم موقعى لتتطلعوا عليه , منتديات مصر اليوم هى منتديات عامة تهتم بالكثير من الاشياء المصرية , شاهد اقسام المنتدى
اخبار مصر صور نكت مصرية اغانى قنوات و ترددات اخبار الرياضة المصرية مشاهدة مباريات بث مباشر اسعار السيارات

Toby Grant said...

Hi thanks for shariing this